Art & pattern

“Hearts Abound” I came up with the basic flowers of hearts motif when working with a preschooler in foster care. I was deliberately playing to my audience and trying to impress her with how many hearts I could fit in - sometimes more is just more, b…

“Hearts Abound” I came up with the basic flowers of hearts motif when working with a preschooler in foster care. I was deliberately playing to my audience and trying to impress her with how many hearts I could fit in - sometimes more is just more, but other times more is better!

What if…

You had a travel mug so beautiful you couldn’t wait for Monday? Or an umbrella so colorful that dour businessmen grin when they walk by on the street?

What if:

  1. Art can make people smile?

  2. Smiling people are more relaxed and happy?

  3. Relaxed and happy people are better at solving problems?

  4. The world becomes a better place?

Surround yourself with things that bring you joy and make you smile and you’ll likely find that those around you start smiling more too. That doesn’t mean I think you need a lot of stuff, quite the contrary. When everything functional is also beautiful - whatever that means to you - then we need less and keep it longer. (Not to mention that colorful umbrella is going to be a lot easier to get back from lost and found when you leave it on the train…)

Surface Pattern Design

I love the combination of art and math that pattern design requires. It is everywhere in the human story and constantly evolving as is my work. I’m currently focusing on three main theme collections:

  • Bohemian, which includes folk art and other cultural influences as well as a special surprise,

  • Botanical, featuring flowers and plants growing in my own garden in the verdant Pacific Northwest

  • Graphic, clean, strong lines and starting on the computer its still got its share of whimsy.

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Where to Buy

Print on Demand means less waste and less unloved stuff in the world - it doesn’t get made until you decide you want it. It’s both ultra-modern, fancy technology and old-fashioned bespoke charm. Find my designs on various wall art and home decor here:

Look Books

Scroll through the look books below to see how these designs look applied to different surfaces and goods.